I guess the free coffee sounded appealing, or was it me who piqued your interest? Either way, you're in the right place to claim your coffee. But why accept a treat from this stranger?
* We're probably too old to listen to our moms - and I promise I'm not a creep
* It never hurts to meet a mid-roasted creative who balances a blend of crisp, nutty and smooth undertones in her work
* Coffee tastes even sweeter when it's free
Pick your favourite coffee place - or just the one closest to the office
Pick your favourite coffee place - or just the one closest to the office
please tell me
I've been offering Free Coffee to creative directors in London.
I know what you're thinking, 'but nothing in life is free, Myra.' And you're absolutely right. Nor is the time of our lovely creative directors. So, I've been sending out Free Coffee vouchers to make it a bit more of a win-win situation.
Haven't received a voucher yet? Don't worry - you're probably still on my list. But to make it easier for everybody, feel free to schedule a coffee right away.